Insurance Read Time: 4 min

What Does Boat Insurance Cover?

You're an avid boater, 但是你考虑过你需要什么样的大发888dafa来保护你的船和设备吗? While boat insurance is not required in many states, 重要的是要记住,水上事故是相当常见的. In 2020 alone, 5,265 recreation watercraft accidents were reported, causing $63 million in property damage.1

As a boater, you may stand to benefit from having a boat insurance plan, even if it's not required in your state. Below, 我们涵盖了基本的船舶大发888dafa,以帮助您决定这种类型的大发888dafa是否适合您.

What Is Boat Insurance?

船舶大发888dafa的目的是在船舶受损的情况下为投保人提供大发888dafa, destroyed, stolen, or otherwise lost. 船舶大发888dafa政策将为几乎所有有发动机的船舶提供大发888dafa. 这包括游艇、渔船、划桨船、浮筒船和休闲船. 然而,大多数船只大发888dafa政策不包括个人船只、独木舟或皮划艇.

What Does Boat Insurance Cover?


  • 全面大发888dafa:包括盗窃或故意破坏等意外事件. 如果您的船在非碰撞事故中受损,该大发888dafa也将发挥作用.
  • 碰撞损害:包括修理或更换在碰撞中损坏或毁坏的船只的费用.
  • 人身伤害责任大发888dafa:包括医疗费用, legal expenses, and lost income if you injure someone while using your boat.
  • 财产损害责任:包括你可能对他人的财产或建筑物造成的损害的费用, like a boat or dock.

There are also other coverage options, such as coverage for personal property, medical payments, oil spills, and roadside assistance.

How Does Boat Insurance Work?

在船舶大发888dafa市场上,船主需要完成一份关于自己的调查问卷, their boat, 以及他们感兴趣的大发888dafa选择——所有影响大发888dafa成本的因素.

Once you have purchased the boat insurance policy, 如果你损坏了你的船,你将有能力提出索赔, injure someone else with your boat, or damage someone else's property with your boat. If the claim is approved, 大发888dafa公司将在大发888dafa限额内赔偿伤害或损失的费用.

How Much Does Boat Insurance Cost?

You can expect to pay about 1.每年支付你船价值的5%作为船大发888dafa计划. This means that if your boat is worth $50,000, it could cost you around $750 to insure your boat for one year. 如果你有一艘价值100万美元的游艇,你预计每年要支付大约1.5万美元的大发888dafa费. 这些都是粗略的估计,它们将根据您的覆盖需求而有很大的不同.2

Boat Insurance Cost Considerations

影响船只大发888dafa成本的主要因素包括你拥有船只的经历, your driving record, the boat's storage location, and the number of boat owners. 船型、发动机和附加设备也是决定保单保费的一部分.


In general, the more experienced a boat owner is, the lower the boat insurance monthly premium tends to be. 大发888dafa公司认为经验丰富的船主发生事故的可能性更小. 同样,如果你有一个干净的驾驶记录,这应该降低船舶大发888dafa的成本.

Storage and Usage

打算在开阔水域使用船只的船主将比在湖泊中使用船只的船主支付更多的船只大发888dafa. 如果你把你的船存放在一个小屋里,这可能也会降低成本.

Number of Boat Owners

船舶大发888dafa的费用取决于你所在地区注册船主的数量. 一般来说,船主越多,索赔就越多. 这可能导致船舶大发888dafa公司收取更高的保费. Alternatively, 新船拥有量的增加有可能创造一个竞争激烈的市场空间, meaning you could see a decrease in the cost of coverage.

Is Boat Insurance Required?

In short, it depends. For example, 一些州要求划船者购买船险,包括责任大发888dafa, while other states do not.

Additionally, 船夫在将船停靠在码头之前可能需要购买船舶大发888dafa. 如果你贷款买船,你也可能需要买一份船大发888dafa.

船舶大发888dafa的目的是解决船民的独特需求,当他们将船只存放并带出水面时面临的风险. Whether it's required by your state or not, 船舶大发888dafa政策可以提供重要的覆盖范围,每个船夫都应该考虑.

1., 2022
2., 2022

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